Establishing Good Business Relationships

No matter if you’re an employee, or an independent contractor, the quality of your business relationships is the foundation of how well your business runs. That’s why it’s essential to make establishing good business relationships one of your top priorities. Robert Kiyosaki said it best: «Who you know is more valuable than what you do.» Here are a few tips to maintain and build efficient business relationships.

Business Relationships

The term «business relationship» is a broad term that covers any type of connection that has an impact on a company’s strategies. According to Pamela Rucker a professional development instructor at Harvard organizations must look at four kinds of business relationships: team members and stakeholders, ecosystem and industry.

To manage these relationships effectively, you must focus on open communication and consistency. This means publishing thought leadership content and answering questions on social media or in person immediately. It is also crucial to follow up on projects that have been completed with your business contacts. In doing so, you’ll be able to demonstrate your value and ensure you won’t get forgotten. It is important not to over promise and under-deliver to your business contacts. People are more likely to trust and connect with you if they believe that you will always honor your word.

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